Empty Nest Party-Pooper or Betty Rubble? You Decide!
For an empty nest parent living in a neighborhood that only has a few children of trick-or-treat age, Halloween has become somewhat of a non-event. It's hard to get too excited when the door bell rings three times in the whole evening. A few years ago, we only had one lonely child..........
The door bell rang and I opened the door and looked down at this 4 foot child. His parents were standing proudly on the street watching their son. His head was drooped and he was sort of flapping his arms up and down. He was covered in a head-to-toe old brown sheet. He flapped his arms a little harder for about 30 seconds then he lifted his head and gave me this desperate look. I said, "Well now, what are we?" "I'm a moth"................. he flaps his arms quietly, without a smile on his adorable face. I gave him the whole bowl of candy.

My husband is sort of the Halloween Scrooge. He doesn't want to go. If we must go, he doesn't want to dress up and he wants to stay for just a few moments. I could go either way. Part of me wants to put together Barney and Betty costumes and dress Wrigley like Deno, the dinosaur. (I've been told that Betty was the hot one!) But, the other part of me agrees with Bill....it's a Monday night, we don't need to spend the time or money in getting costumes together, the traffic getting over there will be mad....the list of negatives is a mile long.
So, what should I do? I have about 3 hours to figure this out. Are we getting to be old party-poopers? Or are we just mature people? You be the deciders......................................HELP!
Labels: #blogboost, a lot of BS, Barney, Betty Rubble, empty nest people, Flintstones, Halloween, Trick or Treat