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Friday, October 21, 2011

A Look Ten Years From Now

Day 21 of the Ultimate Blog Challenge asks us where might we be 5, 10 years from now....and what would our lives and our blog look like............................

There's a very important saying, "Be careful what you ask just might get it".  Everyday, I hope and pray for better economic times.  I work everyday with that goal in mind.  But perhaps I should be we look into my Emtnester future............................

October 21, 2021

"Kisses, kisses my darlings!  I cannot believe it's been almost 10 years since I posted here on my little blog.  I've missed you so, but darlings, my life has been a whirlwind!  I only have a few moments to spare, so let me share the highlights......

Bill's work took off in a hurry.  And once I finally convinced him to shed his Levis, khakis and button downs, he went a teensy bit crazy with the couture clothes.  Why, his Chinese tailor moved in with us in 2013!  Some habits were harder to correct....he still wears the same Washington & Lee sweatshirt every evening, but now he owns 45 of them.  

We decided to move into a mega-mansion once we paid off our house that was underwater and it really is quite divine.  Only, we don't know any of our new neighbors and there is no place for Wrigley to run free in the mornings and at night.  We bought him a treadmill which he doesn't seem to enjoy very much.

Bill has taken to playing this ridiculous game of hid-and-seek after dinner.  The house is so enormous I can never find him.  Lately, I think he's not even trying to find me. 

Now that I have very little time constraints and all the money in the world, I can finally go visit my Mom in Florida, any time I want.  Only now, she doesn't recognize who I am! 

I have had just the perfect amount of plastic work done and I look much younger than I did back in my blogging days.  Nothing moves.  Anywhere. Seriously.  Except for the tragic little experiment with my lips.  Why, I went from Angelina Jolie and her lush lip look to a no-lip Mitt Romney look in one month's time.  Quite painful, really darlings!
My children are spread around the globe and I've filled their flats and apartments to the brim with furniture and possessions and now there's little room for me to visit.  They are all happy as can be, which is comforting in itself, I guess you could say.

You may be asking why did I stop writing my Emtnester blog?  Well, sometimes the pain and strain of all this success has made me to sad to think about....much less write about.  It's all terribly exhausting to ponder now, so I really must scoot.  Ciao!"

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Anonymous Karen said...

What a fun post! You have such an imagination and a great way of writing it down. LOL

October 22, 2011 at 9:52 AM  

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