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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Red, White and Blue

I woke up around 4 am with some of the worst cramps I have ever experienced in my life. I attributed it to my second day of my new diet and exercise routine. Yesterday, I worked out hard, ate veggies and chicken breasts and apples and drank most the water from my pool! I haven't had a glass of wine in two days. So, naturally, one would assume that this kind of routine might induce your stomach to form a tight knot and squeeze until your eyeballs pop out. Only I was dead wrong.

I wore my new white sweatpants to bed last night, recently purchased from my favorite CAbi salesperson, Christine Wilson. I have no idea why I selected these to sleep in, except for the fact they are very soft and warm....and white. Now, it's not like most of you don't know exactly where this story is going. I am in that group of women in the late 40's early 50's when the menstrual period has either diminished, become sporadic or for the lucky few, simply ended one month. I thought I had THAT month about 5 months ago! But such luck. It has come back like the curse that it is. And all over my new white sweatpants! (Luckily, I got it out by soaking them all morning).

I have searched the house only to find a single tampon, so it's off to the store for more plus a gigantic bottle of Advil or Motrin. Sounds like fun, eh? Ah, the joys of womanhood and the surprises that this pre-menopausal period brings. Just a part of every empty nest woman's life I know. I am overjoyed and think I'll find some blues music to listen to today.......................

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Blogger Christine said...

So glad that you were able to save the white sculpted velour sweat pants!

March 3, 2010 at 1:07 PM  

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