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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Be Careful When Talking Blogspeak to Outsiders

Lesbian scene from the 18th CenturyImage via WikipediaSometimes in the comfort of my home, surrounded only by my laptop, my lap dog and my own over-sized lap, I forget what it's like in the real world.  I forget the niceties and exchanges one makes 'B-to-B' and even 'B- to-C'.  You see, in the blog world, that could mean 'business to business' but it could just as likely mean a little 'girl on girl action'.   One needs to be careful when stepping from one world to the next to avoid serious embarrassment and think before speaking too quickly.  I know this fact first-hand and will share this little story so that you can avoid falling into the same trap!

I have begun to really focus on making more serious money writing content and blogging for clients in 2011.  I have selected a few choice networking groups to help jump-start my new year's resolutions.  I prefer the smaller groups that include open discussions on a variety of topics that might interest any kind of company.  I think you can learn from the attorney as well as the landscaper and the insurance guy.  But, I also find it amazing how different our business lives' can be.  And, I am pretty sure, most of these people don't have a clue of what, why or how my business works.

Take for example, this week's luncheon meeting.  The open discussion was how to best communicate with your customers: should you email, text  or fax the customers and which method is best.  Several people told stories of what works for them and how they hate getting spam emails from unwanted solicitors.  Next, the moderator suggested I give my two cents to the group.  Being new, I wanted to give a good impressive answer on proper communication in the social media world.  I took my pregnant pause, to make sure everyone was listening to my answer.  I had them right where I wanted them...leaning forwards in their seats, listening anxiously......... I start out okay, but then fell into what could only be described as verbal vomit.  I started on the idea of guest posting on a website where the potential customer might be reading.  Heads are nodding yes.  But then, I told them how I like using 'Mr.Linky' and how everyone should play around with 'Mr. Linky' to see if it works for them.  And then I said, 'Mr.Linky' can get hard and sometimes it gets too long....which of course, some people really like.................and it was at this precise moment that I realized that I wasn't in Kansas anymore!   I had lost the crowd completely.  The insurance guy was shaky his head in disgust. The old plumber's cheeks got flush.  The moderator stood up and decided to cut me off mid-sentence to avoid any more damage to this once orderly meeting. 

It took me a few minutes to figure out what had just happened.  I had moved from one world to the next too quickly and I needed to think more before I spoke.  Mr Linky should have been explained on a spreadsheet or with a visual.  Yes, I thought, next time I will be more careful.  That is, if they haven't revoked my membership!

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Blogger Empty Nester said...

I am laughing so loud that Hubs just asked what was so funny!

February 4, 2011 at 7:47 PM  
Blogger The Single Nester said...

That is so great belonging to a group of people with similar interests. How did you find them?

February 5, 2011 at 10:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't quite understand this until the most recent post of yours, which motivated me to do a bit of scouting around to find out just WHO Mr. Linky really is *g*. I'm too new at this and had never heard of him before this. Yeah -- the humor was there, but now I know "his" identity!

February 5, 2011 at 2:25 PM  
Blogger Captain Dumbass said...

I would have loved to be in the crowd for that one.

February 5, 2011 at 5:25 PM  
Blogger lindaannga said...

OMG!!! I am still ROFL! How cute! Gota love it! Hopefully they will ask you to come back.

February 5, 2011 at 9:34 PM  
Blogger Casey said...

Ha, Mr Linky does sound dirty when you put it like that....

February 5, 2011 at 10:12 PM  
Blogger unmitigated me said...

Oh. Oh my.

February 7, 2011 at 7:38 PM  

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