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Sunday, July 18, 2010

Bruised and Battered Design Woman

Relax, I am alive.  And yes, I was able to put back the computer cords with a little help from Bill.  But the room transformation is not 100% done yet.  I want you to experience the WOW factor when I put up the pictures of my new office design, done on a $0 dollar budget!

My desk happens to be the heaviest, most disgusting desk on the planet.  I decided to move it to the center of the room and take off the top part.  By myself....which turned out not to be a very good idea.  The moulding around the top came tumbling down onto my arm giving me a red and raw slash at the wrist and a huge bruise at the top of the arm.  It really hurt, too.  To most people starring at me yesterday it may have looked like I was trying to kill myself because of all the domestic abuse I was incurring.  People kept shaking their heads at Bill in disgust.  Poor guy.................

I need to get some glue for the broken arm of the side chair but it's 115 degrees outside and I am too lazy to leave the house for the hardware store.  Plus, I have lots of papers to file away still.  But I am really happy with the results.  Looking out the window is great.  Being able to see the little TV on the wall will also be great, once I figure out how to turn it on!  And finally, there will be no excuses why I cannot produce good, quality work in the new office of mine.

If I had a budget, I would sand and stain the desk and the arms of the side chair a darker color to match the bookcase and filing cabinets and to give the backside of the desk an finished look.  I would frame up a few pictures and I would replace the ugly blue office chair.  Maybe some day.  Maybe some day soon.      

Stay tuned for pictures..............
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