Spring Fever has hit the Southworth household. I am cleaning and buzzing around avoiding my work assignments and blaming it on the beautiful spring weather.
March is spring training month here in Arizona and I am so ready to go to some games! They are games almost everyday depending on who you are following. I love the Chicago Cubs, but heading to Mesa is a bit of a long haul, so I also attend the Giants game in Scottsdale and I want to try out the stadiums on the west side of town. It's time to start making up my list....the list of people willing to blow off an afternoon of work to sit outside, watch baseball and possibly eat a hot dog and down a few beers. Any takers? Seriously, it's amazing to me how few people want to play hooky from work. I am older and wiser than most, so I am aware of the value of playing hooky to go watch baseball in the month of March. "Research shows that work productivity increases by as much as 62% when skipping work several afternoons for spring training games". (Don't quote me to your boss......I just made that up).
Wrigley is now wearing his baseball collar he got for Christmas from his best dog friend, Tucker. We think it's going to bring some good luck to the team. Naturally, we think this is going to be THE YEAR! What? Don't you? And if you are a St. Louis Cardinals' fan, you can just leave my site right now, because we are not talking!
Anyway, back to the case of my spring fever. It's so bad, that I want to sit outside and soak up the sun wearing #4 Ban de Soleil even though I am aware of how dangerous it is getting skin cancer and the fact that they probably don't even make #4 Ban de Soleil anymore. But, I bet a few of you empty nest Moms remember that product. It smelled heavenly and gave you a beautiful color of tan. Next time I go to the drug store I am going to see it they stock my favorite product and buy it. And lather it all over my body before I head out to a spring training game!
If you are looking for someone to watch a game, call me, comment to me...whatever...just don't waste any time...we only have this month and it goes quickly! Soon the temperatures hit 100 degrees and we must head inside for the long and dry summer.
Labels: Ban de Soleil suntan lotion, baseball, empty nest Mom, spring training games