Okay, I have been a busy little bee and actually working for a living and haven't written a single word on my emtnester blog. It's not as if I don't have a million things to say and to tell you, it's just at the end of the day, I am exhausted. Two glasses of wine with dinner and I am like a jelly fish plopped on the couch. The computer is a million miles away and my fingers are like lead. It's not a pretty sight.
I have a good friend who still comes to my website daily to check if I have written a post and to click on my literacy widget and yesterday, the message read that my blog was closed due to suspicious activity! Curious, I rushed over to see what I was missing. Everything looked normal to me. Have you ever had this happen to you? Is someone using my little blog to hide millions of dollars from a foreign source? If so, I want a piece of the action. All this real work I have been involved with is fun but really I could stand a few weeks at a deserted beach somewhere. Maybe Google will send me a report to tell me what the heck they suspect.
Anyway, it's been one whole year of being an empty nester Mom and I guess you could say that I have come full circle. My daughter is back at school in Pennsylvania and happy as can be. She loves her classes, has a delightful new roommate and she is "rushing" this week. She has identified two sororities that she thinks would be a good fit and seems very relaxed about the whole process. I credit the school and the sororities for making the process very relaxed and natural. Or else, Laura is oblivious to what's going on around her. Either way, she's one happy camper and that, in turn, makes me a happy and relaxed empty nest parent.
I am sort of concerned about the swine flu on college campuses. She told me that a boy was sent home for a week to recover from swine flu (his room is across the hall!). Poor kid. It seems like dorm halls are like flu breeding places that seem rather unhealthy. I know that Moms who are generally anxious about health issues are freaking out now about this so I hope their kids can stay healthy at school. You feel sort of helpless when your child is a thousand miles away and sick in her dorm or apartment bed.
That's it for now. I have to shower and dress for today's meetings. Hope to see you soon.